A:my aunt is coming to see me from shanghai tomorrow.can your girlfriend be my date for the time being ? I will stop this relationship with her in two days.B:all I have can be shared with you except my girlfriend.
A:it's really hang by the hair! on god's mercy,do help me!
B:I am not the kind of guy who deserts his friend just for girlfriend .OK.I give it up.however,you must write me something before my giving consent. A:明日姑妈从上海来看我,望借女朋友一用,两日后必还,万分感谢。
B:我平生最讲义气,不能因为女朋友而不顾朋友。但咋们口说无凭,要立字为据。 女朋友也有借的?呵呵…… 当然哪,可我没见过哦 要借找我 我也乐意奉献。 haha 我想借个女朋友啊。。谁借我呢 Yes!that's agood story!We can see something in it.Not just look it's appearance! 以下是引用ganchunmei在2003-12-4 20:54:00的发言:
Yes!that's agood story!We can see something in it.Not just look it's appearance!
well,what the intrinsic thing can we see in it?? 以下是引用ganchunmei在2003-12-4 20:54:00的发言:
Yes!that's agood story!We can see something in it.Not just look it's appearance!
are you english major? his gf must be very ugly~~~
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-2-20 22:09:33编辑过]
maybe u'r still so humor 妹妹我要的