Handling a wad of cash may be as good at killing pain than ibuprofen or aspirin, a new study suggests。
In the latest study, a group of students were asked to count out a wad of cash consisting of 80 one-hundred dollar bills, or just 80 slips of blank paper. They had been told researchers were simply testing their dexterity in handling the notes. Each student was then asked to dip their hands into a bowl of very hot water, to see how painful they found it and how long they could last. The results showed those who had handled money reported less pain and lasted longer。
It's thought that fondling notes and coins helps ward off pain by boosting feelings of self-worth and self-sufficiency. Previous studies have shown those with a greater sense of self-worth may be more likely to withstand pain。
A University of Los Angeles team of scientists found just looking at a photograph of a loved one can also be a powerful form of pain relief. They recommended anyone visiting hospital for painful tests or examinations should bring a picture to help them cope。
洛杉矶大学的一组科学家发现,看看自己所爱的人的照片也能有效地缓解疼痛。他们建议,去医院进行痛苦的身体检查的人应该带一张这样的照片来帮助自己缓解疼痛。 可恩学科英语真人在线学英语我觉得很方便、很安全,而省下更多的时间和精力,专心高效地学英语。让我的宝贝在可恩学科英语青少年学英语,在家就能上课,她每天随时随地都能和外教练口语,这不是其他英语教育机构能做到的。”值得推荐的好学习地。。。