dxlux12 发表于 2004-11-1 00:00:00




风吹沙地 发表于 2004-11-10 12:25:00

<P>Chasing Individual Room</P><P> This bedroom is structured novel. Modern fashion furniture match the bedroom’s design well. The whole bedroom space is individual and humorous. It could be used as a playing room to play computer and also as a good study room. The decorations on the wall are funny and fashion. The whole space suits the younger generation fine.</P><P>仅作参考<p></p></P>

cy327 发表于 2004-11-21 12:02:00


qcgsn 发表于 2006-8-24 12:41:00

尊敬的各位老师∶ <br/>我的名字叫成遥遥,我今年14岁,我来自湖北省石首市文峰中学.我今年要读初三了.我很希望能到重庆第29中学学习.我在家乡的学校一直是班上的班干部,学习成绩较优异.希望各位老师能给我一个在贵校发展的机会. <br/>谢谢! <br/>学生∶成遥遥 <br/>2006年8月25日 <br/>(因所学教材不同,望老师谅解,我会努力学习)

笑靥千秋 发表于 2006-8-25 12:56:00

同意<strong><font face="Verdana" color="#61b713">cy327意见</font></strong>

笑靥千秋 发表于 2006-8-25 20:33:00

The pursue individuality space this bedroom space modelling is novel,<br/>the modern tidal current furniture with the entire spatial design<br/>unusual fusion, the entire bedroom space both has the individuality<br/>and to have the sense of humor, it also may take plays the computer<br/>the game room, also may be mad the fragrant studio as the book. On the<br/>wall decoration both is charming and the tidal current, the entire<br/>space is extremely suits the younger generation housing the place.<br/>这是我得翻译,<strong><font face="Verdana" color="#61b713">风吹沙地好像有几处单词用错了,造成得语法不同吧?</font></strong>
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