有没有暑假去上海新东方学I的XDJM啊,有的话留个言啊,偶想去,想报强化班,初步定下是报Y88班的,有已经报的或想去的留个言,没报又想去的要快了,要没好位子的~~~~[此贴子已经被作者于2005-3-28 2:17:29编辑过]
我到是暑假也要去上海读书,不过是读同济读德语,而不是<b>IELTS</b> 哈,本来偶大一的时候想的都是去GER的,但现在转变了,想想去读MASTER的话还是美英靠硬,呵呵,同济的德语很强的,你要好好学哦 <P>想下下个暑假去,,,</P><P>楼主大几的啊?</P> <B>以下是引用<i>cheese心心</i>在2005-3-29 17:29:00的发言:</B>
<P>楼上的引用我的话是什么意思啊</P><P>回4楼的,我大2</P> <P>我在杭州读的....IELTS精品班...在读中.......</P><P>郁闷挖.........</P> 你起拉个国家啦,精品班课时多8个,要是偶强化班没好位子了,就去报精品班,不过还是上海读,稀饭上海的,BF在那边哈,HOHO~~~ <P>偶去AUS~~~~~估计读一毛啊不莱塞的...个期读好再报个强化班.....</P> 偶4级过掉了,差不多的 <P>Wasting your time.If you really want to study abroad, try GRE and apply to a unversity in the United States.The US universities provide numerious scholarships, grants and assistantship and tution waiver.You can study for free.That's the way.</P> <P>It seems you know a lot about English and related things, can you tell me how did you get these informations?</P> Can you tell me where's my post?It seems someone has deleted it. if someone wants to stady for free why not to go to Europe?themost europeancountriesjust like France Germany Austria Danmarksweden and so on have education for free!but notfor GreatBritain Holland and Switzerland!those countriesare expensive!
<P>stady for free ?</P><P>N !</P> <P>中国人的价值,只有在中国才可以得到充分的体现</P><P>否则比赛还要主场客场干什么</P> <P>7月份去北京读...= =</P> <P>其实确实最好去美国拉</P><P>不过for free 那就难点拉</P><P>你想想, 人家自己国家的人都在争取,</P><P>你个外国人有什么理由会轻易得到 free education 哪</P> 在读新通