zyx62992 发表于 2005-5-19 10:27:00

[讨论][转帖]sentence translation

<B>以下是引用<I>pengyong99</I>在2005-5-18 18:20:52的发言:</B>
It is much easier and cheaper to keep the current customers satisfied and loyal, than acquire new customers to replace the ones that have started touse the rival's products or services because of the unsatisfactory service or quality.

This is a complex sentence. I know its meaning, but I cannot translate it into Chinese. Can anybody help me?
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-5-19 10:28:37编辑过]

Ronaldinho 发表于 2005-5-19 23:28:00


zyx62992 发表于 2005-5-20 15:50:00

<P>Thank you!</P><P>另外,还有两个句子,我在看新闻的时候看到的:</P><P>This is the first study to show a consistent reduction in the risk of chronic kidney disease with light to moderate drinking.</P><P>关键是with light to 不懂。</P><P>reference:</P><P>http://news.yahoo.com/s/hsn/adrinkadaymayhelpprotectkidneys</P><P>还有一个句子:</P><P>A pilot and student pilot, en route from Pennsylvania to an air show in North Carolina, were taken into custody after their flight sparked a frenzy of activity that tested the capital's post-Sept. 11 response system.</P><P>reference:</P><P>http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&amp;u=/ap/20050512/ap_on_go_pr_wh/capital_alert_9</P><P>我一碰到长句就有点蒙了,hehe.</P>

Ronaldinho 发表于 2005-5-21 22:01:00

看了一下全文,with light to 应该就是by的意思,第二句中的that tested the capital's post不知道怎么翻

pengyong99 发表于 2005-5-22 11:19:00


携手游人间 发表于 2005-5-22 16:12:00

<B>以下是引用<I>Ronaldinho</I>在2005-5-21 22:01:04的发言:</B>
看了一下全文,with light to 应该就是by的意思,第二句中的that tested the capital's post不知道怎么翻

with light to moderate...

Ronaldinho 发表于 2005-5-22 21:53:00


zyx62992 发表于 2005-5-23 08:29:00

<P>我觉得 show … with light 一起翻译,表示“发现” “弄清楚”。</P><P>syn :shed light on, throw light on</P><P>所以这句话翻译为:这是首次研究发现适量饮酒有助于降低发生慢性肾病的危险。</P><P>第二句话译为:</P><P>肇事者一个飞行员和一个飞行学员,在从Pennsylvania 飞往一个Carolina北部的飞行展览区的途中,在他们的飞行启动了首都上次911反应系统的剧烈反应后,已经被扣留了起来。</P><P>请大家指点。</P>

携手游人间 发表于 2005-5-23 17:48:00

<P>翻译的意思没错</P><P>只是这个with light to 该怎么看了</P><P>字典里查不到show with light 这个短语.</P><P>我觉得"This is the first study to show a consistent reduction in the risk of chronic kidney disease with light to moderate drinking." 里的with 是引导一个宾补用的. light to moderate drinking ,, 是区别于heavy drinking(酗酒) 用的, 表示</P><P>轻微到中等程度饮酒的意思. with light to moderate drinking 与你所翻译的意思一样 , 即"适量饮酒" 至于适量到</P><P>的程度, 可以理解为"轻微到中等程度, 还没到'heavy drinking (酗酒) "</P><P>第二句话翻译得很完美</P>
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